The Taj Mahal, every girl would like her
boyfriend build something like this fo her... |
Belly dancer above a camel? LOL |
Well, since I was a little girl I always knew someday I will study at University. And I always imagined myself studying something like arts, literature, or history. So, there's a lot of places I'd like to go, like France, Italy, England, Spain, Germany and that kind of european countries. But when I grew up a little more, I understood that there was no happiness for me on that kind of fashion cities. I like the theatres, I'd like to go to the opera some day, and I like the bohemian life. But I don't really like the idea of living on a european country. But I didn't realized about this until I learnt something about history, and now I know that European countries suck, because a lot of subjetive reasons. And on that time I was taking Bellydance classes, so "The Miss" started teaching some important things about the dance, and about arabic coulture. So I started reading a lot about the far middle east. So, this is why today, if you ask me, I told that I'd love to visit Egypt, India, Turkey, and that kindof places. The first thing about I knew from this countries was the music. The instruments are very very diffrerent, and the play in another scales, and with more tones than we do. The music is magic, is more close to the earth than a piano or a violín, and the guitar came from arabic countries in a ancient century. And I'm feeling every time more interested on visit this places. But I think that I would not live in one of them. There are a lot of religious-politic problems, the life is very hard, and there is a lot of distance between poor and rich people. I don't know what could an art teacher do there...

But I think I just have to visit that places as soon as I can. Especially Egypt. And this is because the obvious things... the pyramids, the sphinx, the monuments, the souvenirs, but is because the environment too. I think that the root of my interest is that the far east is totally different on the coulture, and the people will be interesting for me, like an scientific project.
I think I would'nt like to go alone. I have the perception that there are a lot of sexism on that countries. Well, I hate the sexism, but I can't go fighting with every chauvinist stupid person I see. It sounds like something I could do. And I know that when you visit India, you must have a lot of money, because everything is expensive... So... I have no many true hopes to go very soon... But I don't know, life is changing every day. Maybe I win the Loto tomorrow (I don't know how, if I never buy the tickets).