miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Green or Not?

I think environment is a very important topic. But I am not very sure about climatic changes, because the are a lot of theories, and they are always contradictory. I feel that animal mistreatment are more important than something that (If we suppose that will change today with all the social-political thing that this entail) will have results after in one hundred years. But animals are suffering now, just because you want to to eat your motherf*** cheese hamburger. But so...
My mother always said me that I had to through my papers and garbage on a dustbin. So I always always do it, except with peels or banana skins, that sometimes I put on the earth, because they're organic things that gives minerals to the earth. And feed ant, birds, worms too. But at school, I learnt to recycle paper with my mates, and was very funny, but I never did it again. I have no recycle habits, I mean... I don't have four recycle bins on my house to paper, plastic, glass and stuffs. But I'd like, I guess, But I'm afraid If I do, the garbage truck will mix it anyway. I don't know hoy to recycle, and now I see I was never interested on it. But I will think about it.
 I always walked to my school. Until I started to study so far away from my home, so I always use the bus and the subway, and I don't have a bike. But I'd like to have one, but my mother thinks that someone will stop me, and steal all my things and rape me and escape with my bike, so I will not have one soon.
I don't belong to any eco-organisation, because I don't like any type of organization. I don't like political things, or listen how someone tells me what should I do with my life and my time. But that's all, I support them, but I don't want to belong them.
 Well, my eco-thing is mostly about the animal mistreatment. I don't eat meat, and I help little animals as long as I can, but I don't feel the need to be a member of that radical animal protections groups. No. I have something bad with the big groups. I don't use carbon stuffs, and I will buy car car just if is an electric one, or a car that uses bio-combustible.
I think all that people needs to make a change is to be informed, because all the people went out to the street to protest against the Aysen's Hydroelectric, and it happened just because it appeared on the tv news and newspapers from all the country. People are always lazy at the moment of understand things, but if the eco-things receive more importance from the mass media, I am pretty sure it will be a lot of changes. But is always the same, like education for example...

3 comentarios:

  1. I liked your entry, I think like you in many ways...but I eat meat and I love it xD Because I don't think that love animals and not eating meat are related.
    But that, I liked your thinking :)

  2. My mother says the same to me :/ But I really don't care, she will not buy me a bike >:c

  3. Adding to the “Dream List” (where is the library and the videogame store) an Animal Safe House!
    I love the always the way you think. You touch a really important point for this: Education.
