miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

My normal inside

This is me on the zombiewalk last year
I think I am normal. Why am I doing the explanation?, because I always thought I was weird. Really, I have problems with my rage, and I like to say bad words, and scream, and bite people, and all that violent stuffs. And I like to dress in black, too. And where I lived all my life, this is something like be a Satan's daughter or something stupid like that. One day, when I was like seventeen years old, I was stand on a corner, waiting for my friends. And I was there, very calm, with my black pants, my big black studded boots, mi horrible-drawings t-shirt, my chains on arms and my make up, and then it appeared an old woman walking to me. I mean, not walking like she will talk to me, just walking on my direction. The thing is, when she noticed that I was there she stoped and looked at my with an horrible face, and when she started to walk again, she did it very slowly, and making like a circle around me. And always looking at me like she looked an OVNI. It was SOOOOOO funny and weirdo, so here is my point: People are weird, not me. I dont't care about the way they look, or if they are homosexual, black, or something. I don't think on a bad way of them (Wait, I think that if is a "wachiturro" I obviously think in a very very killer bad way, but is the only exception).
By the way, I didn't want to talk about me. 

I just wanted to talk about all that normal people that seems abnormal, but they are like everybody else. Normal, I think, is an unnecessay word to refer to somebody that looks different or special. We are always the same thing, we all have a poo, we all like to laugh high and shrill, we all like to dress the way we like, and we all have the right to do whatever we wants with our body. And WE ALL make stupid things, we all have bad moment, sad moments, violent moments, everything is normal, but some people are more sincere than the others, I think. I think the worst thing you can do with yourself is change who you are for somebody else. 

miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012

Green or Not?

I think environment is a very important topic. But I am not very sure about climatic changes, because the are a lot of theories, and they are always contradictory. I feel that animal mistreatment are more important than something that (If we suppose that will change today with all the social-political thing that this entail) will have results after in one hundred years. But animals are suffering now, just because you want to to eat your motherf*** cheese hamburger. But so...
My mother always said me that I had to through my papers and garbage on a dustbin. So I always always do it, except with peels or banana skins, that sometimes I put on the earth, because they're organic things that gives minerals to the earth. And feed ant, birds, worms too. But at school, I learnt to recycle paper with my mates, and was very funny, but I never did it again. I have no recycle habits, I mean... I don't have four recycle bins on my house to paper, plastic, glass and stuffs. But I'd like, I guess, But I'm afraid If I do, the garbage truck will mix it anyway. I don't know hoy to recycle, and now I see I was never interested on it. But I will think about it.
 I always walked to my school. Until I started to study so far away from my home, so I always use the bus and the subway, and I don't have a bike. But I'd like to have one, but my mother thinks that someone will stop me, and steal all my things and rape me and escape with my bike, so I will not have one soon.
I don't belong to any eco-organisation, because I don't like any type of organization. I don't like political things, or listen how someone tells me what should I do with my life and my time. But that's all, I support them, but I don't want to belong them.
 Well, my eco-thing is mostly about the animal mistreatment. I don't eat meat, and I help little animals as long as I can, but I don't feel the need to be a member of that radical animal protections groups. No. I have something bad with the big groups. I don't use carbon stuffs, and I will buy car car just if is an electric one, or a car that uses bio-combustible.
I think all that people needs to make a change is to be informed, because all the people went out to the street to protest against the Aysen's Hydroelectric, and it happened just because it appeared on the tv news and newspapers from all the country. People are always lazy at the moment of understand things, but if the eco-things receive more importance from the mass media, I am pretty sure it will be a lot of changes. But is always the same, like education for example...

miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Sci-fi Things!!

Well. Today the topic is "just a low bit" more fun that the last one... I'm gonna talk about steampunk, the another perspective of science fiction, I think. Well, I am not an usual sci-fi consumer, but this is just because I have no time to read or see many sci-fi stories. And because I prefer fantasy stories a lot. So if you ask what I prefer, Lord of The rings or Star Wars, I will tell you I prefer LoR, but I like Star Wars too. But I am not that kind of science fiction fat fan, I don't play rol and I am not always playing that massive online games, you know. But I think is interesting.
Bloody hell, I love his hair.
So, steam-punk is a genre of science fiction that propose an alternative futuristic world based on steam machines, and the science before the Industrial Revolution, like Nikola Tesla's experiments with electricity and stuffs. The most popular author from this genre, is Julio Verne, even when he didn't really wrote his books thinking on "Steampunk". But that topics, like the travel to the moon, and the travel all around the world, and the very famous "Nautilus" and its Captain Nemo, are the inspiration for all the Steampunk's aesthetic and ideology. I think that "From the earth to the moon" was the first sci-fi book I road. But I was an 11 years old girl, and I thought that was veeery boring. I used to read things that was not recommended for girls with my age. So I never tried to read a Julio Verne's book again. But now I want to, and I have no time. But I will, f*ck the police.

She is Kato, from
Steampunk couture,
my favorite designer.

My favourite thing about Steampunk, apart from the Ilustration and games, is the clothe. Well, I must say I have a very pink side. I like to know about fashion things, and make up tips and that stupid stuffs. So if I have a very bad day, I can buy beautiful clothes, and I feel really really better. I don't know why, I mean... I don't perceive myself as a material person, but I really feel good when I can buy something...

Steampunk clothes is a style based on the Victorian time. Girls with tight corset and very big skirts, like balloons, and the boys with funny hats and smoking and shiny shoes. The difference, is that colours are different shades of brown, and the accessories usually have gears, dragonflies, goggles, rudders, and even tiny hats for girls (I don't like them, but it doesn't matter).

A room, decorated on a steampunk way.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

Exhibitions spike interest in postwar British sculpture.

Wel, this is my area, the sculptures. And today we have to take an article from guardian.co.uk, and make a summary.

The article talks about the new exhibitions from old sculpture pieces from 50's. It explains that on this times, there was not many interest to see sculptures like cubes and cones, or bronze biscuits, and explains that it happened because the end of second war. And now, there are a pair of exhibitions that pretend to collect that old pieces of sculpture, and show them. The first is located at London's Pangolin Galery, and its name is "Exorcising the Fear". The catalogue from this time, was described like "The geometry of the fear". And about this phrase, the curator Polly Bielecka says that is no longer applying, because she don believe the sculptors were afraid from the future. She says that they made their careers on this time, using that topics, but they were not really feeling themselves part of it. And about the sculptures, the most are on museums or private collections, but she has made an effort to collect a considerable quantity of related works.
The article says that de 1952' sculptors generation is a period that has been almost omitted, and just one artist was par of the Royal Academy of British Sculpture, and Bielecka clarify that by her point of view, the artists from that year were the mediators between Moore and Hepworth, and the Minimalist 1960' generation.
The article point out that the Sculptures have a very good selling, even when they are not in a good relation with the museums.
Finally, Bielecka tell us her interest is that the sculptures brings us to mind the humour way from the pieces, and not the fear.

Information taken from www.guardian.com.uk

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

Sex, drugs &... PORNO?

I feel bad puting this on,
but I am a nerd too 8-)
(And I'm not addicted to porno)

Well, I agree with the teacher. People who likes porno a lot, and see videos everyday is freak, and pity. I haven't had porno addicted boyfriends, but I feel if someday, someone invites me to watch some movie I will run far far away from him. I mean, why use porno on a relationship? There are a lot of things you can do with your partner that don't includes somebody else making a stupid show, or a ugly bit-tits woman screaming, ewww.
I think porno is nasty, but I think that there are a lot of types of porno. What about the Suicide Girls? I didn't really like when Oscar talked me about them (My reasons are obvious), but I investigated, and I found a different type of porno. Is a big group of girls who have a different look. They use a lot of piercings, tatoos, crazy colors in their heads, and everyone has her own style. SO, we find gothic girls, punky girls, freaky girls, and every girl has her own style. The videos about Suicide Girls, are from no-conventional beautifull girls naked or halfnaked dancing or playing between them on a pool. I don't like it, because I don't like girls, but I think is less nasty than the conventional porno...

Of course that child pornography should not be legal! Overcoat if every child that appears on a porno scene is a kid that has been raped and have received a very violent treatment! I think people who takes kids for doing that things deserves loose their genitals, and eat it raw. And then, they must be tortured with acid till dead. And then, they will go to hell (If there is some hell), or at least become incarnated on a worm for five thousand years.

And about drugs, I don't have many things to say. I think the government have to legalize marijuana, even if it means that will be easily smoke marijuana for kids. Is the same thing on abortion, is a education result. If you are a intelligent person, and you don't want your kids taking drugs or doing things like abortion, teach them why don't you want they to do that things. Because you can't take on a detective for take care of your kids everyday, if they want to be drunk, or smoke something, or have sex, they will even if you don't want to. So, TEACH THEM, buy them preservatives and stuff. Comunication is the only way, I think.